

Card Fees

Contactless Monevium card issuance

Virtual Monevium card issuance

Monthly card maintenance fee

Online purchase in EUR

Purchase in store in EUR

Foreign currency exchange fee

ATM withdrawals, EUR in SEPA region

ATM withdrawals, other currencies or outside SEPA region

ATM balance check

Card load from payment account

Withdrawal from card to payment account

PIN change fee

Monevium card regular delivery

Monevium card express shipping

Replacement card

Close account

Other fees

Negative interest from ECB

Correction/investigation/cancellation/repayment of a payment order

Payment refund request fee

SWIFT payment confirmation

Account statement (stamped)

Bank letters

Get more information on Monevium Cards Limits and Fees.
Get more information on Monevium Payment Account Fees.

The up-to-date prices are displayed on the Pricing website page, both for Private and Business clients.